Reminder concerning refundable contributions to the Supplemental Pension Plan for Employees in the Québec Construction Industry

Section 138 of the Règlement sur les régimes complémentaires d’avantages sociaux dans l’industrie de la construction (RLRQ, chap. R-20, r. 10) provides that each year employees’ and employers’ contributions for current service received will be refunded in certain cases.

Employees and retirees who will get this refund received a letter to this effect in late February 2023. It should be noted that the amount due, corresponding to hours worked before December 31, 2022 and registered before January 27, 2023, will be paid around April 27 2023. 

Important details regarding choice of refund method

Two payment options are available for receiving refundable contributions: 

  1. A direct transfer into a retirement savings vehicle (such as an RRSP). To take advantage of this option, the employee or retiree must fill out form T2151  jointly with the financial institution through which he or she wishes the refund to be transferred, then sign it and send it to the CCQ by April 11, 2023, at the latest.

    Please note that an acknowledgment of receipt will be sent by mail as quickly as possible after receipt of a duly filled out and signed form T2151.

    Important: If you choose this payment option, note that if the CCQ does not receive the T2151 before the deadline, the employee or retiree will receive a cheque for the amount given in the letter, minus tax deductions at source.


  2. A refund by cheque or direct deposit, to which a withholding tax will be applied

For more information, refer to the letter that you received or visit the page Application for Pension Benefits on the CCQ’s website,


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