France-Québec Agreement

France-Québec Agreement

Since April 30, 2009, the vocational qualifications of workers in a number of construction trades in Québec and France have been recognized on both sides of the Atlantic. This arrangement is an integral part of the France-Québec Agreement on the Mutual Recognition of Professional Qualifications.

The trades below are recognized, and their respective information sheets indicate the criteria and requirements for obtaining the Québec competency certificate. For more information, write to [email protected] or contact the CCQ’s Customer Services at 1 888 842-8282.

French citizen who immigrates to Québec

If the person meets the criteria of the agreement, see how to submit a dossier.

If the person does not meet the criteria:

  1. And resides in France: the validation des acquis de l'expérience (VAE) may make it possible to have his or her competencies recognized in France so that he or she can receive the diploma provided in the arrangement de reconnaissance mutuelle (ARM).
  2. And already resides in Québec: consult the other options available.

Quebecer who emigrates to France

To work in France, Québec workers must have their dossiers analyzed by the Office français de l’immigration et de l’intégration (OFII)

Quebecers may also contact the France Éducation international in order to obtain an attestation of comparability between their Québec diploma and the French diploma. This attestation is very useful, though not mandatory, for Québecers who wish to practise their trade in France as employees.