Studies and statistics
Studies and statistics

May 2024 

In annualized and seasonally adjusted terms 

All sectors

209,0 million hours

-3 % (monthly change)

MAI 2024

In gross terms

All sectors

17,8 million hours

+1 % (annual change)

MAY 2024

In gross terms

All sectors

142 800 active workers

-1 % (annual change)

By virtue of the mandates entrusted to it, the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) has a wealth of information relevant to employees and employers subject to the Act respecting labour relations, vocational training and workforce management in the construction industry (Act R-20) who work on construction sites. 

The Publications section contains economic and forecast reports, a list of major projects (Liste des chantiers importants, available in French only), along with documentation on the trades and on inclusion in the construction industry. 

The Studies and Surveys section (Études et sondages, available in French only) contains studies and presentations of CCQ survey findings.

The Annual Statistics section (Statistiques annuelles, available in French only) contains the latest report on annual statistics for the construction industry. 


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