Salary Insurance, Hour Credits and Prolongation of Insurance

Salary Insurance, Hour Credits and Prolongation of Insurance

In the case of a worker’s total disability, MÉDIC Construction provides:

Only the basic plans and supplementary plans A, B, and C offer salary insurance coverage. Hour credits and prolongation of insurance are offered under plans A, B, C, and D (basic and supplementary). This coverage is for workers only, not dependents. Specific conditions, limitations, and exclusions other than those mentioned above may apply to the reimbursement of certain types of coverage; only the Règlement sur les régimes complémentaires d'avantages sociaux dans l'industrie de la construction has legal value.

The Bulletin MÉDIC Construction for each plan lists the payable indemnities.

A worker who feels that he or she has the right to a benefit different from that granted by MÉDIC Construction may make a complaint about this decision. To do this, he or she must contact Customer Services, which will send him or her the appropriate form. If the employee has taken this step and is still dissatisfied with the CCQ’s decision, the Act Respecting Labour Relations, Vocational Training and Workforce Management in the Construction Industry allows him or her to ask for a review. The CCQ’s Customer Services can guide the employee with this process and supply the appropriate form.

Compensation advances

If you have suffered a work-related accident or disease, you usually receive benefits from the Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) or a similar organization outside of Québec. Similarly, if you are have been the victim of a motor vehicle accident, you usually have the right to benefits from the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) or a similar organization outside of Québec.

However, the organization concerned may decide not to make these payments. You may then contest this decision. IF you fulfil certain conditions, you may receive compensation advance benefits from MÉDIC Construction during your contestation.

For more information, consult the leaflet called « Advances of compensation ».

Claim deadlines

An application for salary insurance must be made within 30 days following the beginning of the worker’s disability. If it is not, the worker loses the benefits that would have been payable between the beginning of the disability and the 30th day before the date of his application. An application for salary insurance made more than one year after the beginning of the disability will be rejected.

An application for hour credits submitted more than one year after the event that gave the right to those hour credits will be rejected.

Total Disability

The definition of total disability used by MÉDIC Construction is presented below. This definition may be different from that used by other insurers, such as the Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) and the Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ).

A worker is recognized by MÉDIC Construction to have a total disability according to the situation in which the worker finds himself or herself.

Situation 1

On the date the disability begins:

  •  The worker is aged 50 years or over;


  • The worker has accumulated at least 21,000 hours worked in the construction industry’s pension plan.

In this case, a state of total disability is recognized for the whole duration of the incapacity if:

  • The worker’s condition requires medical care;


  • The worker’s state of incapacity entirely impedes him or her from performing the usual tasks of his or her job.

Situation 2

On the date the disability begins:

  • The worker is under 50 years of age;


  • The worker is aged 50 years or over AND has accumulated less than 21,000 hours worked in the construction industry’s pension plan.

In this case, a state of total disability is recognized during the first 24 monthsof incapacity if:

  • The worker’s condition requires medical care;


  • The worker’s state of incapacity entirely impedes him or her from performing the usual tasks of his or her job.

After the first 24 months of incapacity, a state of total disability is recognized if:

  • The worker’s condition requires medical care;


  • The worker’s incapacity entirely prohibits him or her to perform any kind of income-producing occupation that match reasonably his or her level of education, training, or experience.


Salary Insurance

In the case of total disability, salary insurance covers insureds who are unable to work following a disease, an accident, or during medical treatment for alcoholism, drug addiction, compulsive gambling, major depression, or violent behaviour.

Eligible workers and retirees may receive, under certain conditions, weekly indemnities for the first year of disability, and monthly indemnities after that.

Claim deadlines

An application for salary insurance must be made within 30 days following the beginning of the worker’s disability. If it is not, the worker loses the benefits that would have been payable between the beginning of the disability and the 30th day before the date of his application.  For example, if an insured applies for salary insurance on September 30, 2024, he lose the benefits that may have been payable for the period before September 1, 2024. 

An application for salary insurance made more than one year after the beginning of the disability will be rejected.

Specific conditions, limitations, and exclusions other than those mentioned above may apply; only the Règlement sur les régimes complémentaires d'avantages sociaux dans l'industrie de la construction has legal value. The clauses that apply are those in force at the time of the event.


  • Eligibility
  • Weekly Indemnities
  • Monthly Indemnities
  • Treatment (Alcoholism, Compulsive Gambling, Etc.)
  • Benefits
  • How to Apply

A worker insured under plan A, B or C (basic or supplementary) has short-term salary insurance coverage. This worker may receive weekly benefits in case of total disability.

A worker has long-term salary insurance coverage if, at the end of the 52ndweek of his or her period of disability:

  • the worker is insured under plan A, B, or C (basic or supplementary) AND
  • the worker is under 60 years of age AND
  • the worker has accumulated at least 6,000 hours worked in the construction industry’s pension plan.

If the worker has long-term salary insurance coverage he or she may be eligible for a monthly indemnity if he or she is recognized as having a total disability after the 52nd week of disability. The Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) will contact the worker in this case.

Specific conditions, limitations, and exclusions other than those mentioned above may apply; only the Règlement sur les régimes complémentaires d'avantages sociaux dans l'industrie de la construction has legal value. The clauses that apply are those in force at the time of the event.

In case of disability, workers who are eligible for benefits under the Employment Insurance Act or another statute or regulation to the same effect do not have the right to short-term salary insurance benefits at the same time.

Short-term salary insurance (weekly indemnities) could be paid:

  • Under certain conditions, when there is a waiting period imposed by employment insurance;
  • When a worker has received all the Employment Insurance benefits to which he or she is entitled ;
  • When a worker is not eligible for illness payments from employment insurance.

Workers in the construction industry are generally covered by the Employment Insurance Act. However, individuals who do not receive illness benefits from employment insurance because they have not performed insurable work under this act (notably, employers) are not entitled to receive a weekly indemnity during the first 27 weeks following the beginning of the disability.

Beginning of weekly benefits

The date on which the weekly indemnity becomes payable depends on the cause of the total disability.

Cause of total disability Beginning of weekly benefits
  • On the date of the accident, if the total disability begins at this time;
  • On the date when the total disability begins if the worker stops working within 30 days following the date of the accident;
  • On the 7th day following the beginning of the total disability if the worker stops working more than 30 days after the date of the accident
Illness On the 7th day following the beginning of the total disability
Hospitalization On the date of hospitalization (a person admitted into emergency is not considered hospitalized)
Daysurgery On the date of the surgery
Treatment program1 On the first day of treatment in the clinic

1 Short-term salary insurance benefits may be paid if the worker is taking daily treatment, in a clinic or as an outpatient, at a specialized clinic recognized for treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, compulsive gambling, major depression, or violent behaviour. However, no salary insurance benefits are paid if treatment is imposed by a court ruling.

Note: Insured women not eligible for benefits from the Québec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP) or an Employment Insurance Plan are entitled to receive a weekly indemnity for a 13-week period beginning on the date that they give birth.

Weekly benefits are not paid during the period when the worker is receiving illness benefits from employment insurance.

End of weekly benefits

The weekly indemnity ends on the earliest of the following dates:

  • When the worker ceases to be recognized as having a total disability by MÉDIC Construction;
  • 52 weeks after the beginning of the disability (accident, illness, etc.);
  • At the end of the last complete week of the month during which the worker turns 65 years of age.

If the disability persists after the 52nd week of incapacity, MÉDIC Construction may, under certain conditions, pay monthly indemnities to workers who are recognized as having a total disability.

Limitations and exclusions

The following situations are some of the limitations and exclusions imposed by MÉDIC Construction:

  • A disability resulting from a work-related accident or occupational disease is indemnified by the Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST).
    • Workers who contest a decision by the CNESST may, however, have the right to benefits from MÉDIC Construction.
    • Workers in the construction industry are generally covered by the Act Respecting Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases. However, a person who is not covered does not have the right to salary insurance benefits if his or her disability results from a work-related accident or an occupational disease. This person may however have the right to hour credits.
  • A disability resulting from an accident involving a motor vehicle is indemnified by the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ).
    • Workers who contest a decision by the SAAQ may, however, have the right to benefits from MÉDIC Construction;
    • If the SAAQ imposes a waiting period, the worker may, under certain conditions, have the right to salary insurance benefits for the first seven days of the disability.
  • When a work-related accident, occupational disease, or accident involving a motor vehicle occurs outside of Québec, particular conditions apply.
  • Workers receiving periodic benefits under the Crime Victims Compensation Act may, under certain conditions, have the right to salary insurance benefits.
  • Salary insurance benefits are subject to certain exclusions. For example, no benefit is payable for a total disability occuring during a detention period, resulting from the commission of a criminal act, participation in a riot, cosmetic surgery, etc.

Specific conditions, limitations, and exclusions other than those mentioned above may apply; only the Règlement sur les régimes complémentaires d'avantages sociaux dans l'industrie de la construction has legal value. The clauses that apply are those in force at the time of the event. 

When the total disability persists after the 52nd week of incapacity, MÉDIC Construction provides for payment of long-term salary insurance benefits (monthly indemnities) if the worker meets the following conditions:


  • The worker is recognized as having a total disability by MÉDIC Construction;


  • The worker was under 60 years of age when his or her disability began.

Beginning of monthly indemnities

If the above conditions are met and the insured has received all the Employment Insurance benefits to which he or she is entitled, the monthly indemnity begin as of the 53rd week of disability.  

End of monthly indemnities

The monthly indemnities end on the first of the following dates:
  • When the worker ceases to be recognized as having a total disability by MÉDIC Construction;
  • When the worker turns 60 years of age if he was under 58 years of age on the date when his or her total disability began;
  • with the payment of the indemnity for the 24th month of the disability period if the worker was aged between 58 years and 60 years when his or her total disability began.

Limitations and exclusions

The limitations and exclusions listed in the section Weekly Indemnities apply.

No long-term salary insurance benefit is payable for treatment programs (for alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.).

Specific conditions, limitations, and exclusions other than those mentioned above may apply; only the Règlement sur les régimes complémentaires d'avantages sociaux dans l'industrie de la construction has legal value. The clauses that apply are those in force at the time of the event.

Workers eligible for salary insurance who undergo daily treatment, in a clinic or as an outpatient, in a specialized clinic recognized for the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction, compulsive gambling, major depression, or violent behavior may receive payment of weekly benefits during the treatment. 

Limitations and exclusions

The following situations are some of the limitations and exclusions imposed by MÉDIC Construction:
  • Benefits may be received for a maximum of 52 weeks, including those paid for a disability that began before the treatment and those paid by employment insurance;
  • No long-term salary insurance benefits are payable;
  • No salary insurance benefits are paid if the treatment is imposed by a civil or criminal court ruling.

Specific conditions, limitations, and exclusions other than those mentioned above may apply; only the Règlement sur les régimes complémentaires d'avantages sociaux dans l'industrie de la construction has legal value. The clauses that apply are those in force at the time of the event.

Short-term disability insurance benefits

The amount of weekly indemnity payable depends on the date the disability began. It is not increased during disability.


Less than 4,000 hours worked(1)

4,000to less than6,000 hours(1)

6,000 hours worked or more(1)

Basic (A, B, C)




Boilermakers (AU, BU, CU)
$450 $600  $700 












Electricians (AE)




Electricians (BE) $450 $525 $820
Electricians (CE) $405 $485 $565

Fire-protection mechanics (AP)




Fire-protection mechanics (BP)




Fire-protection mechanics (CP)




Heavy equipment/shovel operators (AN)




Heavy equipment/shovel operators (BN) $550 $625 $725
Heavy equipment/shovel operators (CN) $450 $550 $635

Linemen (AL)




Linemen (BL)




Linemen (CL) $425



Millwrights (AM)




Millwrights (BM)




Millwrights (CM)




Occupations (AO)




Occupations (BO)




Occupations (CO)




Painters (AS, BS, CS) $405 $485 $565

Pipefitters (AT)

$500 $600 $900
Pipefitters (BT) $450 $525 $625

Pipefitters (CT)




Refrigeration specialists (AG)




Refrigeration specialists (BG)




Refrigeration specialists (CG)




Resilient flooring layers (AR) $420 $500 $650

Resilient flooring layers (BR)

$405 $500 $625
Resilient flooring layers (CR) $405 $500 $600
Roofers (AC) $600 $700 $900
Roofers (BC) $500 $550 $800
Roofers (CC) $450 $550 $600
Tinsmiths (AF) $500 $550 $650
Tinsmiths (BF) $480 $535 $615
Tinsmiths (CF) $380 $460 $540
Trowel trades (AB)




Trowel trades(BB)




Trowel trades (CB)




(1)Work hours accumulated in the pension plan on the date the disability began.



Long-term disability insurance benefits(1)

The amount of monthly indemnity payable depends on the date the disability began. It is not increased during disability.
Plan A B C
Basic $1,625 $1,375 $1,275
Boilermakers (U) $2,600 $2,150 $1,850
Carpenters-joiners (J) $2,050



Electricians (E) $3,150 $2,600  $1,500 

Fire-protection mechanics (p)




Heavy equipment/shovel operators (N) $3,200 $2,600 $1,750
Linemen(L) $2,800 $2,300 $1,750
Milwrights(M) $1,925 $1,750 $1,500
Occupations (O) $2,800 $2,280 $1,450
Painters (S) $1,775 $1,525 $1,425
Pipefitters(T) $3,150 $2,600 $1,500
Refrigeration mechanics (G) $3,500 $2,900 $2,100 
Resilient flooring layers (R)
$2,350 $1,725  $1,500 
Roofers (C)


$2,600  $1,600 
Tinsmiths (F) $2,200 $1,675  $1,300 
Trowel trades (B) $2,000 $1,700  $1,300
(1) The employee must have accumulated at least 6,000 work hours in the pension plan before the 53rdweek of disability.


Taxable benefits

A deduction at source for income tax is made when the weekly and monthly benefits are paid. 

Reduction of benefits

In certain cases, the amount of the weekly or monthly benefits may be reduced due to the following income received by workers:
  • Pension from the construction industry’s pension plan;
  • Pension or disability benefits from Retraite Québec;
  • Insurance benefits from another insurance plan;
  • Periodic benefits received as compensation for victims of criminal acts.

When such a situation arises, MÉDIC Construction advises the worker in writing of the reduction applied.

Coordination of benefits

The benefits (weekly or monthly) paid to a worker are reduced during the period when he or she receive benefits from the Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) or the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) for a different disability.

To apply for salary insurance, you must take the following steps:

Obtain the form Application for short-term salary insurance and hour credits (11)

Follow the instructions in the insured’s guide on the Application for short-term salary insurance and hour credits (11), which explains in detail, step by step, what must be done to submit an application for salary insurance.

Here is a summary of the procedure:

  1. Because the public Employment Insurance plan is the first payer in the case of disability, submit a claim for Employment Insurance sickness benefits and register for My Service Canada Account to print out the documentation required.
  2. As soon as the first Employment Insurance payment has been received or when a rejection decision has been issued, you must fill out the Declaration of the Insured. It is important to answer all the questions to avoid delays in the processing of your salary insurance application.
  3. Have your family doctor or the physician who is currently treating you fill out the Declaration of the Attending Physician. Attach the medical notes of the doctor you saw when your disability began, if that doctor is different from the one who filled in the form.
  4. As soon as possible, send the Declaration of the Insured, the Declaration of the Attending Physician, and the required documentation by mail to the following address: 

    Commission de la construction du Québec
    Disability Insurance Section 
    P.O. Box 2515, Chabanel Station
    Montréal (Québec)  H2N 0C7
    Or go to your regional office to submit your documents.

Direct deposit

When you register for the direct deposit service, the following payments will be made automatically into your bank account:

  • Reimbursements of health and dental insurance claims
  • Salary insurance benefits
  • Monthly retirement pension
  • Paid vacation deposits

To register, access your file in the CCQ’s online services in the “Direct Deposit” section.

Important notes

  • After the initial salary insurance application is made, the CCQ follows up on the employee’s file. The documents needed for analysis of the file are requested when they are required.
  • Employees must meet certain deadlines when they present a salary insurance application.
  • Insureds who are ineligible for benefits from the Québec Parental Insurance Plan or an Employment Insurance plan and who have given birth must contact the CCQ’s Customer Services to apply for salary insurance benefits.  

Hour Credits

When individuals are unable to work, hours may, under certain conditions, be credited to their file. These hour credits are added to hours worked in order to enable workers to remain insured. 

No hour credits are recorded in the pension plan. However, certain events may give individuals the right to continue to participate in their pension plan even though they are absent from work.  See the section “Other Events” for more details.

Claim deadline

Workers have one year from the date of the event to apply for hour credits. It is recommended, however, that the application be made as quickly as possible after the disability begins.

It should be noted that specific conditions, limitations, or exclusions other than those mentioned above may apply; only the Règlement sur les régimes complémentaires d'avantages sociaux dans l'industrie de la construction has legal force. 

  • Eligibility
  • How to Obtain Hour Credits

Hour credits may be granted for each of the weeks during which the worker is insured under plan A, B, C, or D (basic or supplementary) AND is in one of the following situations:


  • The worker is in a treatment program recognized by MÉDIC Construction for alcoholism, drug addiction or compulsive gambling (a maximum of 52 weeks of hour credits may be granted); 


  • The worker is in a residential or outpatient treatment recognized by MÉDIC Construction for major depression or violent behaviour (a maximum of 52 weeks of hours credits may be granted);


  • The worker is in a situation of preventive cessation of work;


  • The worker is on a breast-feeding leave paid by the Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST);


  • The worker is receiving benefits under the Québec Parental Insurance Plan for a maternity or parternity leave, or for a parental or adoption leave;  



  • The worker is receiving Family Caregiver Benefit for Children or for Adults from Employment Insurance;  


  • The worker is receiving compassionate leave benefits from Employment Insurance;


  • The worker is receiving Federal Income Support for Parents of Murdered or Missing Children grant (Service Canada).


  • The worker is contesting a termination of employment (dismissal) through a grievance submitted to arbitration (a maximum of 26 weeks of hour credits may be granted).

The insured worker not eligible for benefits from the Québec Parental Insurance Plan or an Employment Insurance plan is entitled to receive hour credits for 13 weeks beginning on the day that she gives birth. 

Workers who are recognized to have a total disability by the CNESST or the Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQor who receive illness benefits from employment insurance are probably eligible to receive hour credits if they are recognized as totally disabled by MÉDIC Construction. An application must be made for this purpose.

Limitations and exclusions

The following situations are some of the limits and exclusions imposed by MÉDIC Construction:
  • No hour credits are granted beyond the last complete week of the month in which the worker turns 65 years of age.
  • When a worker is aged 60 years or over at the beginning of his or her disability, no hour credits are granted starting in the 53rd week following the date on which the disability began.
  • When the rehabilitation therapy is courtordered, no hour credits are granted.

  • No hour credits are granted to a person who is detained or incarcerated.

  • A worker insured under the retirees insurance plan at the time of the event does not have the right to hour credits.

Other exclusions may apply (for example, for disability resulting from commission of a criminal act, participation in a riot, cosmetic surgery, etc.).

Deadline for claims

The worker has one year from the date of the event to apply for hour credits. However, we recommend that it be done as quickly as possible once the disability begins.

Specific conditions, limitations, and exclusions other than those mentioned above may apply; only the Règlement sur les régimes complémentaires d'avantages sociaux dans l'industrie de la construction has legal value.

There are four possible situations:

  1. If a worker receives salary insurance benefits from MÉDIC Construction, hour credits are automatically recorded in his or her file.
  2. If a worker receives illness benefits from Employment Insurance or if the worker is insured under Plan D or if he or she is a member of the compagny (employer), he or she must fill out the Application for short-term salary insurance and hour credits (11) Form.
  3. if a worker is receiving benefits:
    • from the Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) or the Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ),  OR
    • from the CNESST for a preventive cessation of work or for breastfeeding,  OR 
    • from the Québec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP),  OR 
    • for maternity, parental, family caregiver for children or for adults leave or compassionate leave from Employment Insurance,
    • for Canadian Benefit for Parents of Young Victims of Crime (replacing the former Parents of Murdered or Missing Children-PMMC).

    he or she must make an application for hour credits as quickly as possible by:

    • filling out form Application for Hour Credits (15);
    • send the form, duly filled out, to the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ), with the requested documents.

    It should be noted that a worker recognized to have a total disability by the CNESST who has a temporary assignment at his or her employer’s must make the application for hour credits as soon as his or her total disability is recognized by the CNESST.

  4. An insured woman not eligible to benefits from the Québec Parental Insurance Plan or an Employment Insurance Plan is entitled to receive a weekly indemnity for a 13-week period beginning on the date that she give birth. She must contact the CCQ's Customer Services to apply for hour credits.

Following an application for hour credits

MÉDIC Construction studies an application for hour credits when all of the information and supporting documents required are supplied. The worker is informed by letter how many hour credits are granted. MÉDIC Construction automatically sends to the worker, at the time when they are required, the forms to fill out so that hour credits continue to be granted to the worker.

Deadline for claims

It is very important to make the application for hour credits as quickly as possible (when the disability begins). An application for hour credits made more than a year after the event that gave rise to the right to them will be rejected.

Beginning of hour credits

Hour credits are granted starting on the more recent of the following dates:
  • The date on which the worker became insured A, B, C, or D if he or she was not insured at the time of the event (disability, cessation of employment, protective reassignment, etc.)


  • The date of the event if the worker is insured A, B, C, or D at this time, depending on the case (disability, cessation of employment, protective reassignment, etc.)

Number of hours granted

The number of hours credited depends on the worker’s insurance plan.
Plan Hour credits (per week)
A 30
B 24
C 18
D 12

It should be noted that if the worker is covered under a supplementary insurance plan, credits are also paid into his or her supplementary file. These credits are added to the supplementary contributions to determine the worker’s eligibility for supplementary coverage.

If the worker participates in a CNESST Temporary assignment program, the number of hours that may be credited is the difference between the number of hours given in the table above and the number of hours actually worked during the week in question. A similar calculation is made in the case of a grievance submitted to arbitration.

Specific conditions, limitations, and exclusions other than those mentioned above may apply; only the Règlement sur les régimes complémentaires d'avantages sociaux dans l'industrie de la construction has legal value.

Prolongation of Insurance

The insurance coverage of workers insured under plan A, B, C, or D (basic or a supplementary) may not be reduced during the period that they are receiving hour credits. If the total of a worker’s hours worked, hour credits, and hours in reserve are not enough to preserve the coverage that the worker had at the beginning of the disability, this coverage is prolonged under certain conditions.

Example: A worker is insured by plan B from January to June and receives hour credits for disability from May to December. Suppose that, for the insurance period from July to December, the hours recorded in his file allow him to obtain only plan C coverage. This worker will benefit from a prolongation of the plan B coverage that he had when his disability began as long as he continues to receive hour credits. During the period during which he receives hour credits, his insurance will be maintained under plan B.

Beginning of maintenance of insurance

Maintenance of insurance begins on the first day of the insurance period during which the worker’s hour reserve does not permit him or her to preserve the insurance coverage that he or she had at the beginning of the disability; it is thus always a January 1 or a July 1.

The worker is notified by letter of the beginning of the insurance prolongation when he or she benefits from it. However, the worker does not receive a MÉDIC Construction card indicating which insurance plan is maintained.

Insurance prolongation applies only when hour credits have been granted. If the worker makes a claim (for purchase of medication, glasses, etc.) before the application for hour credits is processed, insurance prolongation is apply retroactively; the claim is automatically recalculated and, if applicable, an additional reimbursement cheque is mailed to him.

End of maintenance of insurance

The insurance prolongation ends on the first of the following dates:

  • The day on which the worker ceases being eligible to receive hour credits;
  • The day the worker dies.

Specific conditions, limitations, and exclusions other than those mentioned above may apply; only the Règlement sur les régimes complémentaires d'avantages sociaux dans l'industrie de la construction has legal value.