Reporting all Hiring and Termination of Employees to the CCQ

Reporting all Hiring and Termination of Employees to the CCQ

In the construction industry, workers are constantly on the move from one construction site to another and, also, sometimes from one employer to another. So that the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) can better oversee this movement, employers have a legal obligation to notify the CCQ of any movement of the workers in their service.

By declaring all movements of their workforce, employers help the CCQ to ensure better management of workforce pools and the construction industry worker referral service. (Carnet référence construction).

Reporting all Workforce Movements to the CCQ

Employers must notify the CCQ of the various workforce movements in their company. To this end, employers are responsible for declaring all hirings, dismissals, layoffs and departures of their employees within 48 hours using the online service. The CCQ then issues the employer a confirmation number for each notice of hiring or termination that it receives. This number must be entered on the employer’s payroll register. It should be noted that Saturdays, Sundays, statutory holidays and mandatory annual vacations as provided for in the collective agreements are not included in the required time limits.

When a competency certificate along with a job guarantee or a letter of commitment is issued or when an exemption from holding a competency certificate is issued, a hiring number is automatically generated and sent by email to the employer. In this case, a hiring notice is unnecessary. 

When is the employment link broken?

A number of employers wonder when they should send a notice of termination of employment to the CCQ. The answer is that employers must decide whether the employment relationship between them and a particular worker is broken, or whether to terminate the employment relationship, even though an employee’s absence is temporary. In this regard, during an annual vacation, paternity leave, absence due to a job-related accident or sick leave, the employment relationship is maintained. In these situations, the employer is not required to submit a notice of termination of employment.