How to fill out a Site identification request

How to fill out a Site identification request

Provide the full address of the site; the actual or planned date of the beginning or completion of work ; the total value of the project (before taxes); and a brief description of the type of site and building (e.g., construction of a school). To make corrections to data already written in, cross out the wrong information and write the new information above.

Fill out the owner’s section and, if applicable to your project, the sections on OWNER and ADMINISTRATOR or TENANT, providing all information required.

Fill out the entire section on identification of subcontractors by giving the names of all contractors with which you made contracts, whether they were verbal agreements, written agreements, or agreements for work by the hour. Refer to the list of work to be done on your bid documents (construction specifications). Do not include your materials suppliers. You can also provide to the CCQ your own list of subcontractors. If some contracts have not yet been let, you must write “TO COME” for these.

Contractors : give the legal name of the company (in full) of the company to which you have let the contract.

CCQ, RBQ, or telephone number : provide the numbers requested. These are supplied to you by your subcontractor. They are essential because they enable the CCQ to check that your subcontractors are in conformity.

Nature of works : provide the type of work executed by your subcontractor. If you are doing certain work yourself, provide your name in the box Contractors concerning the type of work concerned.

Contract value : provide the total value of the contract (before taxes), including extras. For hourly contracts, you must give the total work invoiced or the approximate number of hours worked.

Duration of contract : provide the actual or planned date of the beginning and completion of the contract.

% of labour : provide the approximate % of construction labour applicable or contract that you have let. If you are supplying the materials needed for execution of the contract, write 100% in this box.

Materials provision : Check YES if your subcontractor is supplying the materials necessary to execute the contract. In any other case, check NO.

Surety (materials and labour) : check YES if you have required your subcontractor to supply you with insurance in virtue of a deposit covering materials and labour. In any other case, check NO.


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