The construction industry will still be in high demand in 2022

Today, the CCQ is distributing its publication Perspectives 2022. This document contains the economic forecasts for activities in the construction industry for next year and the anticipated results for the current year.

The industry bounced back strongly this year, after a slowdown in 2020 that can be explained in large part by the closure of construction sites in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 194.5 million hours worked are expected – a 20% increase over the previous year. The industry has never seen such high levels. 

In this context of elevated activity, more than 180,000 workers will have been active on sites in 2021, and more than 20,000 new workers will have joined the construction industry.

In 2022, the construction industry will still be in high demand, and hours worked will reach 197.5 million, a 2% increase over the previous year. 

The civil engineering and roadwork sector and the institutional and commercial sector will reach peaks in terms of volume of work and hours worked. 

The continuation and launch of major construction projects will enable the industrial sector to continue its rise next year. 

Finally, the residential sector will be the only one with a drop in activity. Nevertheless, it will register a historically high level.


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