Launch of the répertoire des activités de perfectionnement 2021-2022

Now’s the time to register! The new Répertoire, aimed at employees wanting to upgrade their skills and apprentices with a training obligation, came online on August 24, 2021. It’s the result of a partnership between the CCQ and the construction industry’s employer and union associations.

Every year, thousands of workers register for one or more upgrading activities. By doing this, they enhance their knowledge and develop their skills in the field. They also become star job candidates sought out by employers, which thus ensure that their workers, and those in the construction industry as a whole, are efficient and multi-skilled.

For more details on the courses or to find out how employers can benefit from customized training that meets their needs, visit FIERSETCOMPETENTS.COM, contact an upgrading promotion agent within your association, or call the Info-perfectionnement line at 1 888 902-2222.


This is the new slogan for the Fiers et compétents promotion campaign, which coincides with the launch of the Répertoire des activités de perfectionnement 2021-2022. The fact is, training is good for you, but it’s also good for the entire industry. Everyone can keep the industry growing by getting training.

Campaign images are now on display at and featured on the CCQ’s social media. Video capsules will be broadcast throughout the fall both to encourage workers to register for a training course right away and to encourage employers to use the CCQ’s corporate training service.


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