The new 2019–20 training offer - Now available on mobile devices! ​

The CCQ, in collaboration with the employer and union associations in the construction industry, launched a new training offer on August 20, 2019.

In addition to containing 20 new courses, the Répertoire des activités de perfectionnement can now be consulted on all mobile devices and allows searches based on new parameters.

The constant evolution in construction techniques, tools, and materials makes it necessary for workers to update knowledge and develop new skills in order to maintain their effectiveness and versatility on construction sites.

For example, this year, among the more than 550 courses offered in the Répertoire are Intégration de systèmes intelligents (Integration of Smart Systems) for electricians, Peinture au pistolet – Avancé (Spray Painting – Advanced) for painters, Introduction à la construction de charpentes de bois d’ingénierie (Introduction to Construction of Engineered-Wood Frames) for carpenter-joiners, and Réparation de surfaces de béton avec fibres synthétiques (Repairing Concrete Surfaces Using Synthetic Fibres) for cement finishers. In short, there are multiple opportunities to become a worker that every employer wants.

For more details on the courses offered or to find out how to take advantage of custom training as an employer, visit, contact the upgrading promotion agent in your association, or call the Info-perfectionnement line at 1 888 902-2222. Remember, almost 22,500 workers took an upgrading activity last year.