Commission de la construction du Québec


Reform of Act R-20: adoption of Bill 51 modernizing the construction industry


On May 23, 2024, the Assemblée nationale adopted the Act to Modernize the Construction Industry.

Your opinion is important! Survey on inclusion of women in the construction industry


The Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) has mandated the firm Léger to conduct a survey among women workers who are practising or have practised a trade or occupation in the Québec construction industry in the last five years. 

March 28, 2024 - A new pathway into the industry for holders of a skills training certificate to come into effect


Starting March 28, 2024, the Commission de la construction du Québec will be able to issue an Apprentice Competency Certificate to anyone holding a recognized Skills Training Certificate (attestation d’études professionnelles – AEP), thereby creating a new pathway into the construction industry.

More and more women in the construction industry


Today, on International Women’s Day, the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) is pleased to announce that a record number of more than 7,470 women, more than 3.8% of the total workforce, worked on construction sites in 2023. This is an increase of more than 250 over 2022.

Our associated Websites

Logo La mixité en chantier
Deconstruct the myths and discover the measures for women to access and integrate into the construction industry.
Fiers et compétents - Perfectionnement en construction
More than 550 free training courses for workers in the construction industry. Are you up to date?
Carnet référence construction
A web platform bringing together the online services related to worker referrals in the construction industry.
Construire en santé
CONSTRUIRE en santé is the MÉDIC Construction program for health promotion and management. 
Mon premier chantier

Free referral service for new graduates, letting you make your availability known to employers seeking skilled workers.

Career in construction
Working in construction means practising a stimulating trade in a sector with a bright future! There’s no lack of jobs in the construction industry.

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